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Create a professional website
28 Oct 2010

Create, manage or edit your website and web pages from anywhere in the world with our Premium Website Builder Tool - anytime you want.

Built in using PHP & MySQL, ATNCMS can be used to build websites for small & medium businesses. Create your own personal or business website without having PHP, SQL, and HTML knowledge. Our online website builder tool (ATNCMS) makes this job very simple.

SMS Marketing
28 Oct 2010

Being in touch with your customers at any time, anywhere in Ethiopia is no longer a dream. By adding SMS Marketing with our ShortCode (8802) to your marketing mix, the effectiveness of your message with new and existing customers will soar to new leve

How Our SMS Marketing System Works
28 Oct 2010

Mobile SMS Marketing now leads the way in innovative marketing techniques thanks to its permission-based nature and personal orientation i.e. – its capability to let you address your customers individually. By adding Mobile SMS marketing to your advertising mix you will be many steps ahead of the competition. Our SMS Marketing System makes it easy and we will be with you every step of the way.

Reach out New & Existing Customers
28 Oct 2010

In today's dynamic and fast-evolving world, it is important to be able to reach your customers anywhere and at any given time. Our unique platform and industry expertise provide the tools and knowledge for your business to open a personalized communication channel with new and existing customers.

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Info Point

  • Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes
  • Curabitur mollis, lectus sit amet bibendum faucibus ligula
  • Morbi sodales accumsan arcu sed venenatis. Vivamus leo diam
  • Cras ullamcorper suscipit justo, at mattis odio auctor quis alteno
  • Vestibulum auctor, magna sit amet pulvinar tristique, nunc felis viverra
  • Integer aliquet libero sed lorem consequat ut tempus faucibus


How long are your contracts?

ATNCMS plans are month-to-month and yearly. We make it simple to start — and stop — your service at any time.

Is there a discount for yearly service?

Yes, we offer discounts on up-front long-term 1 year commitments.

Do I need another web host?

No. All ATNCMS plans include our fully-managed cloud hosting, ensuring your website remains available at all times.

Can I download ATNCMS?

No. ATNCMS is a fully-managed web service. We do not have plans to make a downloadable version. ATNCMS does provide standard methods for exporting your website statistics data.

Do you offer email accounts?

Yes, ATNCMS does provide email accounts for your website. Eg,

How do I sign up?

We provide demo version of ATNCMS where you can have an idea of how ATNCMS system will function. Once you've determined ATNCMS is the right product for you, You can signup to start creating a professional website.

How do I cancel service?

Canceling ATNCMS is an easy and no-questions-asked process. You can simply send us an account cancellation email at and we will cancel your account upon your request.

Can I switch plans?

Yes, at any time, in your website admin manager. When upgrading or downgrading your website plan, you will receive either a pro-rated charge or refund, depending on the cost of your new plan.

Have more questions?

Our support team is available 24/7 and usually responds in well under 24 hours. Visit our Contact Us page.

Contact Info

  • E-mail:
  • Telephone: 8802 / 011 847 6268
  • Address: Nefas Selk L/K/K, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • Telephone: +1 678 941 9889
  • Address: Lawrenceville, GA, 30045, USA

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